Greece, the power of the international shipping sector
March 25, 2020
As a longstanding member of the community, what is your personal vision for Greece’s shipping sector? What are your thoughts on the new Maritime Hellas Cluster and its potential to become a global hub for shipping services?
I can only be proud with the fact that Greece is considered to be the number one ship-owning nation worldwide. We are a nation of islands at the crossroads of the Mediterranean trade routes, with the maritime industry at the heart of the Greek economy. I feel confident that this will not change in the future, as shipping is a fundamental part of this country’s DNA. The mentality of Greeks and our success in business is born out of our experience as shipowners or service providers in the industry.
“It is of utmost importance to find partners who not only have expertise and leading position in their field, but that they also share our business values.”
As an industry, it is important to have a strong cluster supporting you – providing R&D, economies of scale and innovative products and services to drive the industry forward, challenging the status quo. We are prepared for whatever is coming next, be it sustainable shipping, IMO 2030 and 2050, increased digitization of maritime trade and the ups and downs of the shipping market.
This year marks a new era for the global shipping sector with the implementation of the IMO’s 2020 Sulphur Cap. How would you describe the impact of the Sulphur Cap on your business and what types of opportunities are emerging from this new paradigm?
As a marine trading house, we were heavily involved in scrubber installations with the majority of tanker, bulker and containership owners placing orders over the last two years in preparation for 2020. This January, VLCCs with scrubbers were making savings of USD 20.000 per day in fuel costs due to the fact we had big price spreads between regular and low Sulphur fuel.
IMO 2020 highlighted the work shipping needs to do to meet the next milestones in 2030 and 2050. As a result, I firmly believe we will see an increase in industry-wide R&D and decarbonization efforts. Incremental improvements in engine technology are unlikely to get us to 2050 emissions standards, but there are huge opportunities for those who can rethink the way we power ships.
What are some of the core values instituted by you that make the company stand out among the competition when it comes to high standards of customer service?
I started the company from scratch back in 1991. As the company was growing, I always emphasized the quality of the services as my highest priority. Even today this one of my main roles in the company, making sure that we are providing the best possible service to our customers and partners worldwide. We try to be constantly on top of our game and we never forget that we need to evolve, as success is not permanent. In our early years we adopted the Japanese trading house ‘one stop shop philosophy’ model and this helped us differentiate from our competitors and get to where we are today.
What are the necessary ingredients that a company and potential partner of Franman will have in order to establish a long-term, trusting relationship?
We try to find partners that share the same value and corporate philosophy with us. We have seen in the past that there are some excellent companies out there, but this is not enough in order to have a successful commercial relationship. It is of utmost importance to find partners who not only have expertise and leading position in their field, but that they also share our business values. We feel quite fortunate to have established excellent partnerships from the very early days of our operation.
As an ambassador for the Greek shipping industry, would you like to share a final, powerful message with the readers of Newsweek?
Greece may be a small country that has had a lot of problems in the past, but it is stronger today. With an excellent government in power we are seeing a lot of opportunities for companies who wish to invest in our country. As a member of the Greek shipping community, I am very positive about the present and the future of Greek shipping which has all the ingredients needed in order to stay number one worldwide.

自1991年以来,Franman为航运业提供广泛的服务,专注于造船设备、零备件、船舶维修、服务、咨询、燃料与安全服务。 Costis J.Frangoulis先生成立Franman时的愿景是将其毕生对海洋与航运的热爱投入到一个能够为航运业提供高水平的多元化服务的组织中。 三十年后的今天,这份热爱与痴迷被Franman公司的全体员工所分享。资深与经验丰富的专家们经过不断的技术与商业培训,能够提供高水平的服务与支持。Franman的首次代理是来自美国的油箱液位测量系统的制造商——Metritape公司。 如今,Franman已是航运业多元化服务的领军供应商,并以代理与推广航运业130多家领军企业为荣,且以每年为600多家航运公司提供服务而自豪。
30年後の今、この執念はFranman を構成するすべての人々に共有されています。最高水準のサービスとサポートを提供するために、継続的な技術的・商業的トレーニングを受けた、高い技術を持つ経験豊富なプロフェッショナルたちがいます。Franmanの最初の代表的な実績は、タンクレベルのゲージングシステムメーカーである米国のMetritapeでした。
FRANMAN 회사 프로필
1991년부터 Franman은 조선 장비, 예비 부품, 선박 수리, 서비스, 컨설팅, 석탄 저장고 및 보안 서비스에 중점을 두고 해운업계에 광범위한 서비스를 제공했습니다. Costis J. Frangoulis가 Franman을 설립했을 때, 그의 비전은 바다와 운송업에 대한 자신의 평생의 소원을 해운업계에 다양한 수준의 서비스를 제공하는 조직으로 확대하는 것이었습니다.
30년 후 현재 Franman의 모든 구성원들은 이 소원을 공유합니다. 최고의 서비스와 지원을 제공하기 위해 고도의 자격을 갖춘 경험이 풍부한 전문가가 지속적인 기술 및 상업 교육을 받고 있습니다. Franman의 첫 번째 대리인은 탱크 수위 측정 시스템 제조업체인 미국의 Metritape였습니다.
현재, Franman은 해운업계에 다양한 서비스를 제공하는 선도적인 업체이며 해운업계에서 130개 이상의 주요 기업을 대표하고 홍보하며 매년 600개 이상의 해운 회사에 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.